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How to add a new customer journey map

Learn how to create customer journey maps and assign tags to them

Nina avatar
Written by Nina
Updated over 4 months ago

There are several ways you can add a new journey map:

  • Import it to the platform;

  • Create a new map from scratch or use one of pre-filled templates;

  • Generate a map with AI.

You can create a customer journey map from the Dashboard...

adding a new customer journey map

... or Tag page.

Creating a journey map from a tag page

On the popup window, select the option that fits you best:

map creation options
CJM templates

Note: By adding a journey map template to your workspace, you create a customer journey map inside the workspace. If the template contains a persona, you also create a new persona inside your workspace.

  • Adding an empty map.

map details

Once the document is added, you’ll be taken to the new document page and see a popup with map details. On the popup, you can set a map name, assign it a status, manage document owners, and add tags and metrics.

If you don't add any tag to the document, this document will only be visible to you and the people you share it with individually.

Note: A document with no tags is visible only to its creator. To make it visible to other people, this user can:

  • assign the document a Workspace tag, making it available to everyone in the workspace;

  • assign the map a personal tag and share this tag with specific people;

  • share this document individually with others:

sharing a CJM

How to add and remove tags

Documents inside a workspace can have multiple tags.

You can assign a tag to your customer journey map:

  • On the Dashboard page

Go to the settings in the Tags column…

tags column

…or to the document settings:

impact map settings

You can also assign tags to documents in bulk:

adding tags to impact maps in bulk
  • On the Tag page

Note: Creating a map on a Tag page automatically assigns this tag to the map. You can remove this tag or add more tags afterward if needed.

  • On the document page

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