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Jira issues section

Learn how to add Jira issues to your journey map

Julia Trofimchik avatar
Written by Julia Trofimchik
Updated over a month ago

Having your Jira account connected to UXPressia helps you see the status and progress of tasks related to specific journey map stages and understand whether you need to create some new ones based on the map insights.

Note: To add the Jira issues section to your map, you need a Business or enterprise account.

To add Jira issues to your map, you must first connect UXPressia to your Jira account.

How to connect Jira to UXPressia

Open your map, press “Add section,” and find Jira in the Media/Files section category:

journey map sections

Once you add it, log in to your Atlassian account:

log into jira

Now you can start adding Jira issues to the map.

Note: After you connect the Atlassian account, it will be visible under Workspace > Integrations settings and other users within the same workspace will be able to use this integration too.

To add Jira issues to your map, click on + Add issue and select them from the popup:

jira issues

Issues you select will appear on your map:

jira issues in uxpressia

UXPressia displays the following issue data:

  • The issue key in Jira;

  • Summary;

  • The issue type can be either default or...

issue types

...or a custom one set up in your Jira account;

  • Status;

  • Assignee;

  • Priority (the issue priority is displayed as an icon. See icon meanings below).

issue statuses

If any of these details get changed in Jira, the issue will be automatically updated in UXPressia when you open it next time. You can also pull the latest updates manually. You can always see when the last synchronization happened:

jira issue

Click on the Jira issue to open it.

How to manage Jira integrations in your workspace

If you are not the one who is going to use Jira integration, but you need to set it up for your team, here is how to do it step by step:

  • Open your Workspace settings > Integrations and click Connect account:

uxpressia workspace
  • Log in to your Atlassian account.

That’s it, all users within this workspace can use this integration in their maps.

Note: If you need to connect multiple Jira accounts, before adding another one to UXPressia, log out from the first Jira account in your browser first.

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