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"What if" scenarios

Learn how to create non-linear journeys with UXPressia.

Nina avatar
Written by Nina
Updated this week

When creating the linear CJM template in UXPressia, we wanted it to give you the simplest canvas to start mapping immediately. However, sometimes, the journeys our customers take are not that straightforward and linear. What do you do in that case?

Link journey maps to any CJM part

Oftentimes, a fork in the journey ends up taking the customer on a whole different journey. For example, customers pick up their purchases themselves instead of requesting delivery. In cases like this, it’s always good to create two smaller journeys rather than trying to squeeze all possible scenarios into a single canvas.

UXPressia allows you to have as many smaller journeys as you need. Then, you can link them together using hyperlinks. To achieve this, let’s create a new journey representing the alternative scenario.

All we need to do is copy the URL address of that additional journey:

URL address of an additional journey

And then copy-paste it as a link to your main journey map:

copy-pasting the link to your main journey map

You can even add hyperlinks to images to make links look prettier (works only with text-based sections where you can add images. See this).

adding hyperlinks to images to make links look prettier

Now, whenever you want to see the other scenario, just hit the link and select the “Open link” icon.

the “Open link” icon

Link journey maps to a map's stages and substages

When additional journey maps are the detailed stages or substages of a master journey map, you may link those directly to a stage's or substage's title.

Link journeys in the Channels section

You can link other maps to your current map in the Process and channels section from the same project:

journey map linking

Double swim lanes + Custom Views

If you want to have two different scenarios on the same screen with the ability to toggle and isolate this or that scenario, then you can use double swim lanes, which you will later separate by custom Views.

All you need to do is create a copy of each section and stage of your map that shows a different scenario:

process and channels section

Then, add a custom View from the top menu, where you will unselect the sections. 

view settings

Once you save it, you can create another one where you will hide the alternative sections and stages.

After that, you can jump between these views in the Views drop-down menu and toggle alternative scenarios on your map.

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