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Set up custom map Views

Learn how you can set up custom Views for your journey maps

Tanya from UXPressia avatar
Written by Tanya from UXPressia
Updated over a month ago

The View Settings feature lets you create custom views of your journey map and choose which stages and sections will be visible and which will be hidden in each View.

You can use this feature when you need to:

  • hide the persona panel before exporting the journey map;

  • present your large customer journey map in pieces to give your viewers a better understanding of its structure;

  • hide a specific persona and information pieces related to it;

  • divide the work among your team. Each of the team members will be able to focus on the parts of the journey map for which they are responsible.

  • hide the draft parts of your journey map before presenting the map to the team.

Here is how you add a new View.

1. Select "Add New' in the Views section of the breadcrumb menu.

custom journey map views

2. In the “View Setting” popup, type in the name of your view and select the sections and stages that will be visible on it. Save the View.

journey map view settings

You can easily edit, delete, and navigate among the created Views.

You can also share specific Views with other people:

share a custom journey map view

Views are NOT different maps, so if you change a section in one View, it will also change in all the others that have this section enabled.

Sharing map Views

You can share map Views with people without access to the map using a direct link option...

... or if it's someone with access to the map, open the View you want to share, copy the URL from the address bar, and share it with this person:

UXPressia overview

Want to learn more about the platform's functionality and see how to build journey maps and personas?

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