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Workspace roles & permissions

Learn about available workspace user roles and their access levels

Nina avatar
Written by Nina
Updated over a year ago

Workspaces give you the possibility to grant your workspace members different roles and permissions levels. Let's check out the possible options πŸ€“

There are five roles available:

  • Workspace admin;

  • Super Admin;

  • Billing Manager

  • Contributor;

  • Viewer.

Each user can have multiple roles at the same time. Here is what each of the role implies:

Super Admin

Super Admin is the owner of the workspace. A member with this role can manage their workspace setting, including users within that workspace. However, the super admin does not have access to tags, maps, and personas created by collaborators.

A user can be a super admin within multiple workspaces. Plus, each workspace can have one or multiple super admins.

Note: depending on the subscription type (free or paid), features available to super admins may vary.Β 

Workspace Admin (WS Admin)

Workspace Admins manage workspace users only. WS Admins can manage users only within the number of licenses purchased by the Super Admin or Billing Manager. Also, WS Admins have no access to billing information, tags, and documents.

Billing Manager

The Billing Manager has access to billing and invoices only. This role can't change other users' permissions or invite new users to the team. Billing managers don't have access to tags and documents as well.


The Contributor is a regular user with no admin permissions; it is the only "billable" role, and contributors are the only users who can create tags, maps, and personas within the workspace where they are invited as contributors.


The Viewer is a user with no admin permissions who has read-only access to the workspace. Workspace members with this role can view all the tags, personas, and maps and leave comments in the documents created by teammates.Β 

❗ This role is free, you won't have to pay for such users.

​Note. The first three roles are administrative roles, therefore they are not included in billing and have no access to the dashboard, tags, and documents. To give these users the ability to work on documents, they need to be assigned a Contributor role as well.

In most cases, you don't need to have all of these in your team - having a single super admin and a number of contributors works just fine. But if, for some reason, you'd like to separate people in charge of team management from those dealing with billing, you're free to use those roles.Β 

Want to change your current user roles? Read here how.

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