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Chunks overview

Learn how to use Chunks to organize your insights

Tanya from UXPressia avatar
Written by Tanya from UXPressia
Updated over a week ago

Chunks are reusable pieces of data that can be used inside maps, personas, or independently. This feature is available starting from the PRO plan.

Where to find Chunks

There are several places where you can find Chunks:

  • Dashboard

All Chunks available in the Workspace are shown in consolidated lists on the Dashboard, which are distributed between relevant tabs representing Chunk types:

chunks on the dashboard

You can sort, filter, and group them for further analysis. E.g., to discover common patterns across different journeys or find the most critical pain points your customers face.

You can create new Chunks from this page.

chunks from the dash.gif

  • Tag page

Tag pages display Chunks that match the specific tags you're viewing.

chunks on the tag page

You can also add a new Chunk from the Tag’s page:

chunks from the tag page.gif
  • Design View

In the Design View, you can navigate between high-level overviews and detailed insights and see what tasks are linked to specific journeys:

Design View chunks.gif

Note: Design View is available for Enterprise plan users.

When to use Chunks

You can use Chunks at different stages of your mapping project.

Before mapping

Chunks can help you organize your research findings into a repository, ensuring that all your insights

  • are centralized and accessible for your team members;

  • can be used when you move to the mapping or persona definition stage.

Having all your research in one place and format can drastically help with breaking the silos across different departments and aligning your teams.

What to do

When processing your research, be it survey data, interview scripts, desk research, or anything else, organize it into a system of Chunks.

  • Put a comprehensive summary of your findings with links to raw data in Chunks, making it easy to trace back any conclusions and provide evidence.

  • Assign an owner to each Chunk so that everyone on your team will know whom to address in case of any questions.

  • Keeping Chunks’ status up to date will save you and your team time. For example, for active research, the status of the Chunk could be In progress.


A Chunk based on a customer survey responses:

chunk with survey data

A Chunk based on a customer interview:

chunk with interview data

A Chunk with a hypothesis awaiting validation:

chunk with a hypothesis

These can be generic tags like “Research”, something more specific, either related to the study, initiative or both, like “Survey Q1 2024”, “Mobile app improvement”.

During mapping

If you have your research repository organized by the time when you start to visualize journeys, you can pull this data into your new map, saving time.

Instead of starting off with a blank page, add the Chunks you already have to your map:

using chunks for mapping

What to do

  • Form a basis for the map using available Chunks;

  • Add some storytelling to connect the dots, or keep your map short and concise.

As a result, anyone looking at your map will always be able to zoom into a particular Chunk and get more context.

Besides, if the same data is repeated across different journeys, with Chunks, you can avoid duplication and have a single source for it.

To add an existing Chunk to your document, use the Quick Insert menu:

adding a new chunk.gif

If you can’t find the Chunk you need, you can add a new one:

create a new chunk from a document

After mapping

When your mapping is done, it’s time to plan the next steps, define what problems your team is going to address first, what recommendations you can provide to others, etc.

Having it all in text format makes it hard to prioritize and manage, and that’s where Chunks can help you out.

What to do

  • Turn your ideas, problems, or any other lists into Chunks:

creating chunks from lists.gif

You’ll see how the list was parsed and adjust it if needed:

chunk types recognized aoutmatically

As a result, instead of text, you will see a list of tasks that can be assigned to owners, have their own status, due date, priority, progress, etc.:

using chunks for tasks

Note: When you create Chunks inside a document, those Chunks will inherit the document’s tags. This ensures that all related stuff is grouped and can be accessed from a Tag page.

chunks having a specific tag

Video guidance

Watch the recording of a webinar covering the CX Chunks functionality.

Don’t have access to the Chunks functionality yet? Book a live demo session with our sales team to see how it works in more detail.

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