People with 'Edit' access to the document (these are workspace contributors and people with whom you shared the doc/the tag with the doc individually) can manage touchpoints inside it.
The number of available touchpoints depends on how many you or your team have in the Team Library.
Note: Workspace contributors can add new touchpoints to the Team Library. People outside the workspace and workspace Viewers with whom the doc was shared individually can use only existing touchpoints.
To see a touchpoint overview inside the map or persona, click on this touchpoint:
Touchpoints in customer journey maps
There are several places where you can use touchpoints in your CJM:
Touchpoints section
Process and channels section
On the left panel, you can see all the touchpoints used in the CJM. You can filter them by using the hiding functionality.
Touchpoints in personas
There's a dedicated 'Touchpoints' section in the Persona Editor: