Having charts in your personas is useful for a number of reasons:
They help you represent data in a meaningful and visual way.
They are a great way to ease the understanding of large quantities of data and the relationships between their parts.
You add some visual punch to your persona.
Use UXPressia’s chart section to add pie and bar charts to your personas.
How to add pie charts
Follow these steps to add a pie chart to your map:
1. Open the chart editor and select the PIE CHART option.
2. Customize the chart:
Add up to 100 sections.
Set custom section names.
Use custom colors for sections.
3. After you click “Done”, name your chart in the same cell where you created it.
How to add bar charts
Building bar charts right in your journey map is easy and fast:
1. Open the chart editor.
2. Select the BAR CHART option.
3. Customize the bar chart by:
Adding up to 100 rows and columns with custom names.
Changing their order by drag and drop.
Setting custom colors for bars.
Transposing data from columns to rows or vice versa.
4. Name your chart after you add it to the cell.
How to edit and delete charts
To edit or delete charts, use the icons displayed on hover.
Learn more about creating effective data-based personas at UXPressia Academy.