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Live Integrations via Embed Code Section
Live Integrations via Embed Code Section

See how you can use embed code section to have prototypes and boards that are constantly updated

Nina avatar
Written by Nina
Updated over 2 weeks ago

A customer journey map is a live document that needs to be continuously updated and evolve along with your customers and your business. Updating this manually is always a pain.

We have devised a way to automate this process using the new Embed Code Section. Let’s look at how it works and what opportunities it brings to the customer journey mapping process.

adding embed section

To add the Embed code section into your CJM:

  1. Click the “Add section” button in the bottom left corner;

  2. Select “Embed code” in the section list;

  3. Click “Add”.

You can also edit embed code inside cells instead of deleting it, going back to the initial file, and repasting it again.

Note: the Embed code section is available only to paid plan users.

Now, let’s look at what popular platforms that provide embed code are out there and how you can extract the embed code from them.

Prototyping tools

Prototyping tools in the embed code section

Embed code section allows adding prototypes from such tools like Figma, InVision App, Marvel App, or boards from tools like Miro.

Embedded prototypes and boards update on every refresh so they are so much cooler than static screenshots.

Add your design ideas to the map to visualize your suggestions for all stakeholders.

Here's the list of supported embed code platforms. For detailed instructions click the logo of the app you work with:

Audio Hosting services

Audio Hosting services in the embed code section

You can now insert all kinds of audio files right inside the embed code section of the journey map. All you need to do is find a way to copy the embed code of your audio on the sound hosting platform that you use. Look at the instruction on extracting the embed code from audio files on SoundCloud.


The same applies to video files. View the instructions on extracting the embed code from YouTube and Vimeo

Google Docs & Spreadsheets

Make sure to include all the customer-relevant google documentation in your CJM. Here is how you copy the embed code from Google Docs


Presentations in the embed code scetion

View both the internally used and customer presentations right inside the journey map. Here is how you find the embed code on Prezi, SlideShare, and Google Slides.

Surveys and polls

Polls and surveys are important details of the customer journey mapping process and are likely to be updated occasionally. Learn how to copy the embed code from PollDaddy and Google Forms

It doesn't end there...

There are way more apps that provide those little chunks of embed code. So, if you use some online software that you'd love to link to UXPressia, check their documentation - chances are there is a way to embed it into your journey maps and personas.

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